Wednesday, September 8, 2010

HG 1/144 Gundam 00 Qan-T quick photoshoot

Gundam 00Qan-[T]


-Most of the parts are remolded and not Recycled from HG 00
-Ungodly levels of articulation leading to dramatic and epic poses!
-Comes with a crystal Green Stand.
-the main Gn Sword has a part swap blade that can attach all the other bits to form the Buster Sword/Rifle.
-Another great plus is that this kit will have an upgrade Full Saber Add on this Christmas :D

Monday, September 6, 2010

Gundam Zabanya Quick Review :D

GN-010 Gundam Zabanya: Here's a quick review on the recently released HG 1/144 Kit

Equipment: Shield/Holster Holter bits x2 / dummy bits (2's)x4 Gn Pistol/Rifle X 2
The Gn Rifle's scope can slide downward for concealment an for it to fit in the Holster Bits.

Articulation: Pretty Much standard for HG 00 Kits specifically Cherudim except for added Sheild bit holders. and The (finally) The GN Missile compartments somewhat similar to Gundam Heavyarms.

Gimmicks: Aside from the Shield bits and transformable RiflePistols. There are really interesting parts on Zabanya's body which may lead to an "upgrade" release (keep yer fingers crossed guys)

Examples of these are the separate snap on part for the skirt and the blocks on the ankles.Also, the shoulder cameras are not shown in the manual.  these may be additional gimmick slots for a possible upcoming upgrade kit.

The only downsides I can see here are that the stickers are annoyingly plenty and not cut to size. so I decided to paint the parts instead. and there are many hollow spaces in the feet legs and shoulder. Still over all this kit is pretty Great :D